Monday, 30 December 2013

was I harsh?

Hey there.
yeah, it's me again.

Today, I've decided to put my plan into action; Removing photos of me from FB. esp the ones yg I'm not wearing tudung.

I even asked my closest of friends to do it on their accounts too. I mean, I can't remove them pictures if I'm not the one who uploaded them.

Of course, most people are supportive and reacted instantly. while, others, nyeh.

I think I hurt someone today and I can't even explain to them 'why'.

I mean, I can. but I don't know eh.

when I said 'esp the ones yg aku inda betudung', does that not make sense? can't you figure out why I want them remove? It's nothing to do with you or against you, it's about me. and tani sama2 Islam, inda kan inda teklik? especially when you treat FB like your everyday newspaper. Inda kan inda membaca post2 urg pasal agama atu?

Sigh. it upsets me that people thought I just want those pictures remove because I don't treasure the memories. 

but it's not how much affection you show me on FB that counts! it's how much you show me outside of FB. 

I've said it once and I'm going to say this again, FB tu tempat mengambang saja tu.

and that's why I want them pictures of me not wearing tudung removed.

I know it's a lot of work and a lot of hassle but believe me, this will benefit all of us. 

So, once again, THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE! I LOVE YOU! and sorry if I made you do some mini scavenger hunting today. kekeke I really appreciate this! A LOT!

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So, I found out about this 'remove Jonghyun from SHINee' news, like 15 mins or so ago.
and I made it my business to know whats really going on.

Turns out it's about Jonghyun supporting this movement about Gay Rights (or something like that).

I saw his tweet that time and I even saw how it stirred up the cyber world (or maybe just the kpop world). at that time I thought, it wasn't that big of a deal. I mean, to each their own, right?

Skali, today, when I opened my asianfanfics account, I saw someone posted a petition to counter the petition 'remove Jonghyun from SHINee'.
and I was like, "COME ON".
I really still think that it wasn't that big of a deal.

because, Jonghyun was just supporting them thru his own perspective point of view. and I quote "As a celebrity who deals with the public, I feel a sense of loss in a world that does not acknowledge changes."

So what if he's really gay? I don't care! (coz he's not Onew. so, it's fine. LOL)

I mean, didn't the kpop world (or just Shawol) always going on about shipping JongKey? a.k.a. Jonghyun and Key?
Isn't Key a boy/guy/man/male?
don't these people kept on and on and on about what a cute couple they would be?

alright, maybe these people didn't actually petition to throw Jonghyun out of SHINee. maybe it's from a different crowd.


it's his life! it's his opinion!

who are we to judge (anybody), really?!

I find it bizarre especially when people wanted him out of SHINee. I mean, come on! without Jonghyun SHINee wouldn't be here. he's that important to that group.

and so much more bizarre that I'm making this post about him. LOL

all I'm saying is that, we all have our own opinion on something. and supporting Gay Rights is Jonghyun's, so why can we just let that be?

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Thursday, 26 December 2013

Super Junior all over again.

watching the first episode of EXO Showtime.

and trying to remember the faces and their names.

it's like Super Junior all over again.

Good Luck, Az.

A/N: so far, I think I like Chanyeol. and i think the picture above is one of the earliest pictures of them. and didn't quite do any justice. I'll find a newer one next time. 

oh wait. here it is. I found it.

 this should help me to remember. (LOL)

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Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Hellew again my friends.

Currently watching the old series, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

right now in the middle of Season 5, ep8.

Thought I'd give this one a go. Since you know, dulu ia famos and there used to be a rerun on Starworld which I often watched and often wonders on a certain things that I didn't get. Like,for example, how they all were connected and become tight friends.

So, yeah. 

Trying to finish all Ten seasons before the year is up.

Hwaiting me!

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Sunday, 22 December 2013


I mean, WHAT. THE. WHAT.

take a look at this!!

do you wana know what it means?

I'll tell ya what it means.

It means *JO.SE. TIN. BI. BO. REL. CHO. HA. HAE* in another word (I don't know what it means exactly but, roughly it means) *Justin Bieber. Like* (Ok fine! I googled it and it means *I Like Justin Bieber*)

just what. the. fuck. is (whomsoever yg meng-edit!) think (whomsoever yg meng-edit) doing?! THAT'S NOT EVEN HANJA IS IT?

but hey, I was just being silly. and trying to show off yg I can actually read Hangul. :P LOL (key point: read but not quite understand)

ah well. they probably thought it'd be a laugh.

and it made me laugh.

Ha ha ha ha.



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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Please Understand

I know I've said this one before, but I'm just gona say it again. (or write it down)

Just because I WORK IN a Bank, doesn't mean I OWN the bank.

Unless the bank's name is AJEERAH BANK BERHAD, mana saja tah ya.

I'm still just a kuli, ok?

I just want people to understand that.

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Friday, 20 December 2013


BBB Annual Dinner is coming up. Feb 8th, 2014 to be exact.

and I think I've decided on what I'm gonna wear that night.

the theme is Fairy Tale.

at first I thought, I wana be Fiona (the one, in case you don't know, in SHREK).

then, I watched Frozen. Twice.

So now, I think I wana be Anna.

the baju is simple enough to make. and design. I think.

but if that doesn't work out, I'll settle with a couple of outfits that resembles Anna.

Yup. fully decided.

BUT! if I can't make it out like the above, I just have to wing it. with Tshirts and Jeans.

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Thursday, 19 December 2013


I know! this is shocking to me too.

but her song 우울시계* (Feat. 종현 of SHINee) is kinda cute.

NOOO! really!! bukan pasal ada sora cJonghyun. it really is cute.

alright! maybe it is because of cJonghyun! so what?

at least now i like her a little, more. maybe.


hahaha let's just have a listen now. and I'm sure you'll agree with me.

* it means Gloomy Clock

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Wednesday, 18 December 2013


then again, it was.

Hello happy people. Happy Wednesday.
I've always love Wednesday; 1. the first I learned about my birthday, it happened on a Wednesday, and 2. it's half thru the week!! 
Yup, I'm already looking forward to the weekend. -.-

anyhoo, let's go back to the 'this is not a drill' post.

Yesterday, Baiduri Bank BHD, Kiarong Branch, Block B held a full pledge Fire Drill Session.
I'd only find out 30 minutes before it started. (apparently, we weren't supposed to know since, you know, it's a drill. they wanted to know whether we know what we were supposed to do if such incident happened; bank procedure, security, etc etc). 
Several colleagues and I were nervous. I know, what for?? LOL but it was a good laugh.
So, when the Fire Alarm broke, I was like, 'Laju Arman, this is no time to walk in this pace. Move! Move! Move!' and 'this is not a drill! move! move! move!'. hahaha i was so into the 'action', bringing up the rear! hahahaha

when we were 'secured' at the Assembly Point, we were all excitedly (or penyeluru kinda way) making a head counts to which, our unit missed a person. we told our Fire Marshall immediately, to which he replied, "Mati ya". I laughed and then -.- bleh kh, klu serious for once? but turns out, the missing person was indeed 'Dead' (acting as more like. lol!).

the Bomba came soon after (to which we were all made that 'what.the.' tone when the Firemen couldn't even open the door to get out of their vehicle. "Cemana kn menyelamat kn kami ni mun buka pintu pun inda pandai?" said a colleague). the Police (blocking up roads), and later, the Ambulance.

I didn't quite get about what the whole drill was all about. it was fun (inda payah kaja for almost an hour or so xD) but it was also Panas and boring.

A car was smashed. bad construction ordeal. (poor Belinda. time2 kan bonus ani jua lah)

the fire was towards the inner part of the building, but the Firemen watered the wrong side of the building. everybody was making fun of it. it was all for a good laugh. I know it was a drill but can't you make it a tad bit more realistic?

and towards the end, the excitements were wearing off and people became restless. I, for once, decided to take a picture. 


took a picture with Edy too. (his car was being washed oleh bomba. "nasib jua andangnya kamah").

all in all. it was just another 'work day out' day. it finsihed around 11am and we all quickly went back into the office, not for the work but for the AIRCOND!! lol.

A/N: at least now I know what to do when there's a Fire.

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Tuesday, 17 December 2013

He shouldn't have

went on a movie 'outing' with a colleague last couple of weeks. Lelaki. and just us two.

at first, I thought, nyeh normal outing, mcm sama cZawir.

but as soon as we met at the agreed meeting place, boy was I wrong.

ok, maybe I am reading too much into this but there were serious 'hitting on' that night. I wont go into details but it was so creepy and embarrassing to say the least.

If he agreed that that night was just a normal 'colleague' movie outing, he shouldn't;

  • Suggested to me that I should wear a shortlegged coverall with knee-high socks when I was wearing a longsleeve tshirt and bertudung. Excuse me? were you embarass about my appearance? I said I wouldn't read too much into it but it is still offensive.
  • He also shouldn't have suggested how I can cover up before going out of the house and changed once outside. Because, I may not be that close with my mom but we have an unspeakable trust between us. and i have never deceived her that way.
  • Let me carry the tray of food from the counter to our seats. I know. to some, maybe this is nothing. but to me, it's THAT big of a deal.
  • Hide the fact that he was not officially broken off his engagement. (I know he was engaged. I heard rumors that he wasn't anymore and before the movie outing, I asked him 'tunang mu ok inda?' to which he shook his head and I didnt press on becoz I don't want to seem insensitive about the subject. You know, mana tau ia broken hearted kh, bru di putusnya tunang kh. but stupid me! I should've known better. 'Org Gila' said the same thing, didn't he? and he didn't actually broke it off, did he? JUST. STUPID.) and had me guarded the whole night. scared that I would be a victim of 'kana tampar mengajut' and called 'perampas tunang orang' or something. I was mostly embarass about this part. more embarrass than when I was carrying the tray. ARGH! MEN ARE SO STUPID!
  • have treated me like I was that easy. coz, I would've kick your sorry ass, if you thought that your sap story about your relationship would make me all sorry and all over you. 
  • have make me feel so stupid about myself. Coz, I am not stupid.

But most of all, I shouldn't have agreed to go out with him in the first place. 

I'm not gona again. especially when he kept on bragging about how he didn't approach the girl and it was her who approach him. and that I was offering him to watch the movie instead of the other way round. I reminded him, of course, that it was his idea, not mine. 

ARGH! what. a. duche!

thank you man, for making me feel so stupid.

this should be a reminder to all that, don't be like me. Ok? I trust people too easy despite me being guarded and all. just do what Professor Moody told us to do, "Constant Vigilant!"
why can't genuinely good man ever happened to me??

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Monday, 16 December 2013


after spending so much time on these past years, I realized something.

real authors need real (heavily constructive) criticism.

I mean the most I see people comment about a story is about how cute this character look (when in actualness the author has not even describe their cuteness in words) or how cute the main characters were together (hmm. I guess that's the disadvantage of writing a fan fiction. coz you're using characters from the real life; Kpop artists and such).

Point is, i don't think most of us want this.

I, for one, would love a criticism on the way I laid out the story, my grammar (though i wouldn't listen much on that since English is only my second language. LOL), and you know, REAL criticism!

but I guess (again) I have to take into account that that website if full of hormonal teenagers, who was so keen into the story line alone (without really caring how the words were laid down as long as there's the name of their fav kpop artists in it) than how it was laid out etc etc.

I'm not saying I'm THAT good! gawd, no. I've got a lot to learn too.

it just frustrates me that I'm posting my story there in the hope that I would get decent, constructive, criticism that would help me improve myself in one way or another, but I got this childish review instead.

I had one good review once for one of my stories and although it stinks and i kinda don't like it in the beginning, I still appreciate it. it got me where I am today.

but since me and that person are not talking to each other anymore, I have no one else to ask harsh review from. 


You really don't miss your water, till the well runs dry.




also, desperate time calls for desperate measures.

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Sunday, 15 December 2013


heard this last few weeks (or maybe even last month)

"You ruined me and I settle for less" - unknown (coz I'm not sure if it's from a movie or a song I first heard it from)

and I thought, and nodded, "banar tu".

Skali, while I was 'menjamur' laundry tadi, it came to me. 

No, that's not 'banar'. Not in my case any way.

My heart was trampled on so bad that I have lost trust in men completely. that's not settling for less, is it?

The one that approaches me after that reminded me so much of him (that they would trampled on my heart too). that's not settling for less. 

I know I have crushes (YES plural) but that's just it. crushes (from a far).
I may have dreamt about them being this so called Prince Charming that every girl wishes to have but again, it's just a dream.

I may have settled for him(1) if ever he's going to notice me.


him(2) if he doesn't have a girlfriend already.

My life is full of 'might have' right now. I would approach either men but then what would become of my dignity/pride/ego?

sigh. odd possibilities.

ok, what's this post becoming into? ahahaha

ah, well.. point is, I don't settle for less. and that Quote is not for me.

coz, if it is, I would be dating some lowly, scumbags, who I have to take care of by now. when in reality, I need someone to take care of me for once. coz I think I'm getting tired of taking care of everybody else but me. seriously.

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Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Seducing Onew part 3

part three hundred and one.

seriously, mcm apa.

Onew is so much more than chicken, ok?

he's a Cow too.


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Monday, 9 December 2013


Met an old friend last week. it felt good that we could just fall back into conversation like we never parted for a very long time.

and at some point of that coversation, she admitted that she envied the circle of friends I have. and I told her, I envied her for having a new circle of friends. to which she replied, "But they never last".

I sat there, shock with realization, for a second. I totally agree with her.

Her expression was something and made me thankful of what I have. When she wishes to be a part of our circle, I wish I grew out of mine.

Mr. Fletcher was right. "You win some, You lose some". I may have lost in the number of friends I have but the ones I have means so much more than just a number.

So, what I'm trying to say, is that, I love you guys!! *emotional* Like, SERIOUSLY!

I would love to mention names but you know who you are. :)

and thank you for always being there for me.


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Sunday, 8 December 2013



miss me? awww... me too.


running out of things to post/say/complaint/rage about. Hence the lack of posts.

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nope, still nothing.

So, yeah...bye for now...