Saturday, 25 October 2014

there's gotta be more

There's gotta be more to life
than chasing down 
every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm tripping out
thinking there must be more to life ...
Well it's life but I'm sure there's gotta be more

- Stacie Orrico's (There's Gotta Be) More To Life.

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Friday, 24 October 2014

Feels (the second)

No excuses,
you don't need to explain.
No apologies,
I'm over all the pain.
I pulled myself up again,
out of the flames.
I made through,
I'm officially over you

- Charice's Bounce Back.

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Thursday, 23 October 2014


I can love with all my heart
I know I have so much to give
With a player like you, I don't have a prayer
That's not the way to live
- Jojo's Too Little Too Late

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Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Reading is always fun.

been reading a few more in recent weeks. 

but somehow I was more in hurry of finishing the current books that i haven't read than actually just enjoy reading.

Oh, I do enjoyed them books that I have read, of course.

it's just feel like I have to rush it.

No one rushed me to finish it though. It's just me rushing myself.


Coz, I know I'm gonna continue buying books before I finished the ones yg I bought earlier. 

force of habits, I guess. hahaha.

the least I can do is read them, right? So it wouldn't be call 'wasting'. 

by this rate, I can fill in all my books on my new shelf at my new room nanti. 

Rushing or not I have these to read the year is up. Hopefully I can make it. 

I'll an update if I managed to finish earlier. hahaha

AzNuur, hwaiting!!

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Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Long overdue

Hi guys.

this is a long overdue post.

As you may not, I like to buy things on eBay and here are the few things that I bought.

1. Harry Potter diary and a Phone case that I won from bidding.

2. I AM tshirt (from SMTown dvd)

3. ONEW 1st SHINee World Concert tshirt!!

one more of the goods has not arrive. lost in transaction kali. that'll be my first ebay purchased yg inda arrive.

ah well..I'm just happy yg my tshirts arrived safely! yayyer!!

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Monday, 20 October 2014


I went out for lunch with a office mate, Mel, couple of weeks ago and one conversation stuck with me and made me want to make this post.

It's about friends, making time, and keeping the friendship.

I don't remember how the conversation come to be but it was when I mentioned about me having lunch with my lovelies; Zawir, Buzz and Kuch. 

I aslo mentioned to her that we've been friends since high school.

and Mel said, 'bisai ah you guys still hang out together. Kalau aku, my friends always so busy and can not make it'. 

I literally paused for a couple of seconds. then I said to her, 'well, we were too but we find time'.

and I remember still thinking about what she just said and what my real thoughts were all through out lunch break.

I mean, you find time. these are your lovely friends and yes you are now busy with your own commitment and what not but when one of us suggested something like having lunch or brunch or whatever, you will find time. you make time

I'm a lazy person (yes, being fairly honest) but I would love to just make my time for these lovely people. Unless I really can't then I would just tell them that I can't.

and I was glad. Glad I have the friends that I have now and wouldn't trade them with anything in this world. I'm not just talking about Zawir, Buzz and Kuch. I meant my other (elbeit small) circle of friends; ex-colleague and ex-classmates. I may not be as close to them as I do the other three but they are still friends and I will make time.
besides, it's good to hang out out of your normal circle once in a while. you need it. it's good for the brain. 'broaden your mind! and you can see the future~!' Hermione mimicking Prof. Trelawney in Prisoner of Azkaban. (LOL!).

Point is ladies and gentlemen, it's your choice whether or not you want to keep the friendship. If you make time, you'll keep the friendship and if you don't make time, then, paham paham lah. 

I know we don't all need friends and be just glad to be with our family members. but I guess everybody have their own stories and some of us need that outside influences to get thru life.

Just, make the time.

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a/n: I feel sorry for these people; who don't make time or are not given time.

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Sunday, 19 October 2014

21st Sep

I know, I know. took me awhile. 
I was just ...lazy.


but here I am!

So, final day in KL and we didn't really do much but woke up early, paid the hotel and left for KLIA2 at 9:00am.

the journey was a lot shorter somehow.

when we finally arrived at the airport, first thing we looked for was the restroom. LOL

Pastu baru th kami cari our check-in counter. After we found it (since kami early and belum check-in time yet), we go an find food for breakfast. Yup, inda kami sampat breakfast di hotel ah.

I chose this Irish restaurant, Irish Sandwich Cafe.

Bazilah just tagged along. hehe thanks Buzz for melayan-ing this Irish-at-heart woman. (wawawa)

the club sandwich was tasty (sorry nada picture) but what I loved the most was the Tea. Irish Breakfast Tea it was called. It was a black tea (i think) fused with Toffee (or was it caramel?)! 

super delicious! and seriously I can't get over it even now (nasib ada Tea Box di Brunei ani and they have Irish Milk Tea beverage. So, that can compensate my craving for the O'Briens' Tea).

Continuing on ...

We finished breakfast and I decided to go and searhed for the famous (not really. but I'm always a season behind all the famous things :P) Fipper slippers. After dari sana, I went and stopped by F.O.S. again. LOL sampat lah jua ku last minit shopping. 

then, baru th time to check-in our luggage and we straight away pass immigration into waiting to boarding.

Since the KLIA2 is fairly new, the inside was a little, boring. not much to see. but Brunei's gate had the CurryPuff place right in front of it which we didn't bother to stop by because we kenyang already. We ended up exploring the new boarding place. took some pictures.

a male Orang Putih offered to take picture of me and Buzz. We said 'It's ok' coz lets face it, how often do you meet someone who offered to help? Kami kira kekajutan and said 'it's ok'. it would've been nice if we say 'yeah, sure. thanks' but that didn't happen and we ended up with having individual pictures saja. LOL

the time came and we boarded the plane. we enjoyed the service they provided on this flight better than when we departed from Brunei to KL. we ordered food and enjoyed brownies.

and as often, time fly fast when you're having fun and soon enough we landed in Brunei.

Our brief holiday/vacation ended there.

It was the first time I ever go anywhere by plane with just one companion and it wasn't at all bad or scary. It felt normal. It made me feel or think about my next trip with just my sister (coz we once planned on going either to KL or Singapore just us two but the husband was worried and we ended up going to Miri saja with her husband tagging along. LOL)!

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Singapore baby! 
in January 2015.
more shopping!! LOL
yes, Zawir, shopping!

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Saturday, 11 October 2014

20th Sep: Part 2

... continue ...

second half of the day, we spend it di Aquaria KLCC.

again, another one yg I kinda just set my mind into "Just go with it! for the fun of the trip!"
I wasn't a big fan of the sea. Walking down the beach isn't my fav pass time either actually. It's hard to explain why I'm afraid of the sea. I guess, the sound it makes when you're in the water. that silent. *shudders* I don't know eh..let's just stick to 'I'm scared of the deep blue ocean'. (LOL)


it was hard taking picture in there. such dark place and most picture didn't came out well. 

the fish are all so BIG! like, is that even wise keeping them all in that place? 0_0

from the entrance, we have a school of piranha. 

I video it because it reminds me of Tantor, from Tarzan.

I took a lot of pictures at the Aquaria. I just don't remember what fish is what name. LOL

an Electric Eel.
on the side of the aquarium it says, "Caution! High Voltage"aku pigang glass nya atu nada tkaran punnnnnnnn -.- 

 Beaver! mcm Narnia!

Awkward pose.

I was amazed how the view from different angles are so different. Klu from atas, seems small. Sekali, from the sides, so big and the water a lot deeper. +_+


Catfish yg BESAR (this photo actually freaked me out)

 Katanya, the glass made the real thing 30% more smaller.
mcm, basar kan that fish in real life.

Tunnel of Fish? I was excited.

Interesting pose, Az. 

there were just a lot of varieties of ocean life. I can't post all the pictures here (coz, I'm lazy wawawa)

the tour was short. but it was packed. I enjoy the knowledge I gained. heh


We walked to the Suria KLCC for ...?? JELLY BUNNY!

now, remember on the previous post I said I was worrying about my "dying" phone? well, it was becoz of Jelly Bunny. My sister wanted me to take picture of all the pretty shoes there before I purchase for her. with my phone less than 10% per cent that time, I was anxious.

but no worries. I managed to snap and send pictures to her until my phone died.

the shop was eerily similar to the one we have here in Brunei :S

I ended up buying 6 pairs of Jelly Bunny. xD I'm a happy bunny indeed. (coz I was born in the year of Rabbits LOL). cBuzz bought 2 pairs ;) Welcome to the club bebeh!

I saw Kinokuniya sign as we walked our way out of the mall but since we were both ngaleh sudah, and I already bought books from the other night, we decided to call it a day and balik hotel semula.

We made last minute shopping that night and bought our dinner arah kadai2 hampir hotel kami. we went home earlier too. around 8pm ++ we ate our dinner and after that started to packed all our things coz the next day we have to be bright an early di Airport. we slept at around 12am ++ in the middle of watching Harry Potter 7 part 2. hahaha

I kinda miss that hotel bed now. so fluffy.

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Friday, 10 October 2014

20th Sep: Part 1

So here it is, Day 3 of my KL trip.

early morning, she wakes up, knock knock knock on the door.

inda plang ada. kami bangun sama jua lam kul 8 then before even having breakfast, kami tarus pakai taxi ke KL Bird Park. we had breakfast there. xD happy tummy~

I wasn't a big fan of birds plang. i got scared thinking they'd peck my head or my face with their beaks.

but, it was an interesting walk. especially when the peacock walked pass me. mcm, hellew bird with long feathers *waves*

I didn't get to see any of them spread its feathers, probably they're not feeling like 'showing off' kali.. LOL

there were just a lot of birds. big. small. just, all of kind of birds! even ada Ayam eating along side the peacock.

fluffy looking ducks (Onew's family members LOL!)

no idea apa nama ini bird. it's everywhere!

pretty Eagle. Falcon? what is it call exactly?

normal duck. 

extraordinary duck. 

HAHAHAH sorry. just had to do that. ;P


We went thru this walk way where you can feed the birds but when we first came, the birds were all full (said the guardian) and because of that, we went and watch the Bird Show instead.

I have some videos taken. I tried uploading but they are too big to upload :S 
sorry guys. no videos to share :( 

the show was cut short though because of some technical difficulties. but as we walked further away, we heard the show was still going without the ads of microphones/music. -,-
ah well.. we are looking forward to feeding the birds anyway. so, on we go..


only a couple of birds saja yg mau makan and minum. *sad face* and the ones yg mau makan kana hogs oleh orang lain dah. *crying face* So, kami nada birds to feed. uwaaaa~

ahahah exaggerating. 

took a while but we finally fed a very beautiful parrot. punya lah payah kan di pujuk/panggil. 

I kept trying to rub its head but it won't let me. I guess they're not like cats. :S

 managed to pet this one.

a white parrot. bitey though. cBuzz punya tudung kana makan. LOL

all these parrots remind me of Rio punya katun.

esp this one (except its not blue hahaha). 

I think this one was supposed to be Pink. If my memory serves me right, pasal ia pink lah aku ambil gmbr in the first place.

As it turned out, most of the images I had from my trip was from this Bird Park. I guess, I enjoyed the visit there :D

oh. i took official picture!

Believe me, as much as I was excited having them on me like that, I was also anxious that they would poop on me. LOL the one on my left arm did poop -.- lucky bukan on me. I would definitely freaked out then.

We had our lunch there at the ...something.. Cafe. yummy food! 
honestly, at that time, all i can think about was how my phone was dying ..and I still in need of it. wawawa typical AzNuur. worrying about tipun when I should be enjoying my food. I guess you'll understand a little bit more as to why I was worrying so much about my phone on the next post; Day 3: part 2. :)

before I go, I would like to thank lovely Bazilah for the treat on Bird Park. Thank You so much Buzz!! I thank her many2 time already that she got tired of it. LOL but REALLY thank you! 

I was kinda, dreading the bird tour thing but I ended up enjoying it. So, yes, thanks Buzz for the memories shared. xD

Untill next time *waves* ciao~

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why was Ton-chan here at a bird park?

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Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Wait till you're a lot older

This is a random rage post.

there was a post on IG (a  Kpop confession acct) 

and I agreed to it.

then some kid decided to give some of us (who agreed to the confessor) a piece of his/her mind.

So, I got angry. I know I shouldn't be. I should've have known better and let it go or shit. but I think I'm gona post a piece of MY mind here. In my blog. 

" The thing is, I've been obsessed with a boyband before and I know it feels like 'this love is real' right now but trust me 'girls', it is not. It'll die down and you will realize just how stupid you are day. when you're older. and wiser (hopefully). and you'll be too embarrass to admit your stupidity and laugh it off. Dismissively denying shit when everybody (I mean EVERYBODY) seen you being stupid. *scoff* *rolled eyes* puhlease...
Then when you realized that I was right, you'd be like 'BAHAHAHAH! SO TRUE!'

I know what she commented back to us got nothing to do with what I just typed above but you know what I mean right? No? Ok. read below.

THE POINT IS! I'm not homophobic!  

maybe I am but that's my religious point of view and there's nothing you can do about it. 

I have guy friends who are gay but I'm not like disgusted with them. I am still very much close with them. I just don't disagree nor do i encourage them about it. I have my own beliefs. *giving you the incredulous look*

my reply to that girl was 'Thanks. To each their own, yeah?'
and she responded back by saying, 'Hmm? what?!'


I just assumed she wasn't English.
and that was when I decided to make this post.

Like the confessor said, we were just disgusted that someone would actually post a Photoshopped images like that.

Why make such a big deal out of it?

OR MAYBE this sk.jongsuk person IS gay or bi or lesbian or transgendered or anything. that's why this post and its comments offended him/her so. Defensive ya di sana atu.
No artists asked you to defend them, so just chill, ok? 

If you believe that we're in the Era, and I quote 'where a lot of people are gay or bi now so learn to deal with it', you should first learn that there are still millions other people millons different views from you. Coz, sweetheart, if you can't be open-minded about other people having different views from you, then, i think, you should just ... *whispers* stay out of the debate club. 
or at least, get to know where you really stand before you argue your case.


I know I'm being childish posting this up but I just wana let it out of my system.

sigh. just wait till you're a lot older (and hopefully wiser too) then you will understand what my rage is all about. 

you're supposed to laugh at comments that are stupid and don't suits you! not make it personal and start an internet war or something. why waste your time like that?! Go study or something!! Jeep!

a/n: I'm an adult and I am allowed to waste my time on the net like this. 

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I know I should be posting my Day 3. I do that one on the next post :D

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Monday, 6 October 2014

19th Sep

Day 2 is now.

So, we woke up around 8:30am (aku lah yg tebangun 8:30am ahaha) to a blinding morning sunlight. LOL

our mission on the 2nd day was to go to Masjid India and Berjaya Time Square Indoor Theme Park.

I didn't manage to take a lot of pictures time di Masjid India; 

only of our breakfast food


time di kadai Hajra.

There were shop everywhere, along the alley and at the end, ada bazaar. That was where we shop the most. Ngaleh jua lah bejalan. There was a lot of things sold there. you can find just about anything. anything. Shop till we drop indeed.

After Masjid India, we balik semula ke Hotel to rehat sekajab and freshened up too.

When we were cooled again, we walked our way thru Low Yat to Berjaya Time Square Mall. the place was soooo crowded. and I'm not even joking! 

First thing we look for was Holika Holika coz my pencuci muka habis (I knew that I'm gona run out of pencuci muka when I was packing. I knew I have to buy it di KL on the second day). Got a free gift as well. I love free gifts!

We went into a 'cute' kadai next door; bought cute stuff.

Pastu kami jalan2, looking around the mall. and i think I went there two years ago. still nice and interesting as ever.

We came across a 'piano' staircase. 

at first I thought the sound was made when you stepped on the stairs. 

then, i realise that the censors were actually on the side of the stairs, like an invisible laser beem of the sort. my excitement died soon after i figured that out. LOL took a picture under the stairs anyway.

We found the theme park but we ended up not play there. *a very sad face*

I forgot what this picture was about. it's the only one I have. LOL

Then, I found an interesting Label. it's a restaurant's label with an interesting name, Dubu Dubu.

yup, you guessed it, it's a Korean restaurant with Onew's nick name on it. LOL

We walked some more looking for a bookstore. but the one we find inda awesome and the next one we found ..wasn't exactly the kind of book that I was looking for either. 

So, we decided to wrap the 'touring' and returned to our hotel.

Night time, we went to Pavilion again to find my book store there, Times. Didn't manage to buy the ones that I have listed down in my wallet.. but I bought three others; The Visitors, Cinderella and Fangirl.

We ended up eating mcDonalds that night and slept earlier than the night before.

Thus, The End of Day 2.

a/n: the story in Berjaya Time Square may not be in order coz lupa sudah ku kemana kami pigi lu and where to next.

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