in the highlight of the recent even, I've decided to make this post.
Brunei manang HBT 2012 yo! against Indonesia.
Tahniah!I'm not a big fan but in spirit, of course I want Brunei to win. and alhamdulillah, we did! xD
and because of this Football madness,
tekanang ku tym kami kEmirates Stadium in Dec 2009.Like I said, I'm not a big fan of football but I'm a verbal supporter of Arsenal. xP
and becoz of cKuch's excitement msanya rh Chelsea's Stamford Bridge Stadium (lurus kh ni ching? :P eheh), I decided, I should pay a visit to cArsenal's Emirates Stadium too. and I'm glad that we did go. all thanks to cKuch. eheh without her obsessiveness, I wouldn't have my Arsenal kit. xD

All I'm saying is that, this madness, it's contagious. ahahaha you may not like it but you can't help but feel like you wana be part of it.
Soooo...i think, the more positive feedback we gave to our Tabuan/Tebuan (how do you spell it?), the more they try and play good games in the future. I hope.
. . .