Wednesday, 25 December 2019

I would too

I'm on a roll baby!

no, not really. the posts you have seen so far have been scheduled. 

anyway, just one post.

I saw a friend retweeted this:

and I thought, same.

in this economy, I would do just about anything to earn that extra income.

Even working at the cemetary with that kind of salary! by hour! my daily income doesn't even come to that. like dammmmmnnnnn

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Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Mulan, March 2020

Hi guys!

live action Mulan is coming! in March 2020.

I am EXCITED to watch this one.

Just like, Aladdin, Mulan is another of my fav Disney movie to watch over and over again without feeling bored.

When the news first came out and it said there will be no dragon but a phoenix instead, I was livid. coz Mushu, the dragon in the animated version, is my fav character! and I remember posting my disagreement over that decision on my FB status.
Only to realize my opinion wouldn't make a different in the slightest. 

Fast forward, July 2019, (I have a lot of things prepared in July it seems LOL).
I came across a thread on Twitter. talking or explaining, why the live action Mulan is what it is.

I didn't screenshot everything, just the beginning. It was very insightful. I'm always a sucker for ancient history, so I appreciate the effort put into this explanation.

also, this guy, playing Fa Zhou, I recognized him from Rush Hour. So, already I decided to watch Mulan becoz I recognized him from Rush Hour. LOL

I don't recognize this lady but I'm looking forward to her playing Mulan too.

I will remind myself to not have high expectation. I don't want to be disappointed. Again, it's only becoz, Mulan is one of my utmost favorite EVER! I got my fav nickname, Vengeance, from Mulan.

I can't wait for March 2020. 

here are the trailers in the meantime;


I think my only disappointment with this new one is they not gonna be doing I'll Make A Man Out of You.

and I recognized two other people, Donnie Yen and Gong Li. I read somewhere, that Jet Li's gonna be in it too. So, awesome casts. all the more reason to watch.


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Monday, 23 December 2019

Not supporting anymore


So, title. this post was prepared back in July 2019. I just procrastinated for far too long. So, i thought, let's get it over and done with. I'm in need to delete and clean my folder.

here goes...

Hmm how should I word this so that I don't offend people? 


Fuck it. I'm just gonna say it.

Ariana Grande. 

First saw: Nickelodean's Victorious. No, I didn't really watch the series but the ones that I happened to watch, I came across Cat (Ari's character) and thought, she's the best character in the entire series.

I also remember seeing one of her earlier music videos, very colorful, very musical/theater like, and thought, her voice is amazing. not to mention, my friend told me she's like Mariah Carey, bird voice. My respond to that claim? yeah. she could do bird voice.

Next, I don't know. her song Problem became a meme, "I got 99 problem, and you are not one of them" or something along that line. Personally, not a fan of that song.

and then onwards, I saw the EMAs on TV, not by choice, and came across this performance.

at the time, I thought, whoa, she got lungs! and thought it was a good performance.

I actually appreciate a couple more of her songs. or I heard them on the radio, thought it was a nice song, downloaded them, but when I listened again, nyeh.. it wasn't as the hype. So, I just left it there in my iTunes library, untick.

I have a couple of favorites;

1. One Last Time. I only ever watched the music video once and thought it was nice for once she wasn't wearing a 'swimming suit'.
2. Into You. 

Of course, she is a big name out there, every other time, I will learned that she releases new songs but many of those I'm not a fan of.

Fast forward end of last year, Nov/Dec 2018 (yes, I checked my files when I downloaded them LOL), I downloaded 3 Ariana songs; Thank u next, Breathin, and No Tears Left to Cry.
Thank U, Next was once in my top 25 songs.
You can see from my May 2019 top 25 that I untick this song.
that was becoz when I tried to watch the MV, I can't. It says its not available for my region? for some reason I got super offended. 
I wanted to watch becoz she was recreating some of my fav movies, Bring It On, Mean Girls, and Legally Blonde. I thought it'd be fun to watch.

I know I was influenced by a Korean media article with how I was feeling. The artivle was about how kfans was disappointed with how Ari was treating them during her concert there. don't quote me on this, it was something about not meeting VIP ticket holders or something. How she spent time in Japan but not in Korea. don't quote me on this.

I'm aware that she was traumatized by what happened to her in Manchester. I sympathized with her. I understand how you can be prejudiced over a certain race when you had been victimized by that certain race. again, don't quote me on this, I don't know the race of that terrorist. 

So, I'm offended becoz I'm asian?

Fast Forward again, July 2019. I watched a Spill video on youtube. and it involves Ariana and Kris Wu. I know I shouldn't but this Spill video proves my points in one way. Hell yeah I'm siding with Kris. former EXO member. "naega style, aniya" LOL had to put that here.

Anyway, here's some screenshots of the comments that I can relate with.

Comments are the best in every social media platform 👍. not trying to force things onto you but if you missed it, read again the part about English Speaking people. I feel that on so many levels.

Yeah, I know, this is so petty!
but doesn't stop me from no longer supporting her. I even made a playlist where I try to knock off Thank U Next from my top 25. LOL and i did manage to Knock it off in a day. I'm that dedicated.


Honestly, the songs I used to listen to are still nice to listen to today. but every time I heard her voice, I got really hurt. So, I make an executive decision to not listen to them anymore.

I am in no way denying her singing ability. but sometimes, it's so much more than that when you want to support someone's singing career. to me, at least.

I mean, come on. my unvoting her doesn't make any difference. She is still a big superstar.

So, yeah. 


Just take this post as a Chapter Filler thing.

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Sunday, 22 December 2019

3 Major Problems

Hi guys,

today, I'm gonna talk about the three major heart-beat-stopped-for-a-second moments I encountered this year.

but first, let's enjoy my new favorite 😚

Ok, onwards~ ⚔️🛡️

No. 1, my fuji cam memory card.

It was in July 2019 when this memory card somehow went 'blank' as I was busy transferring files. 
Like when you open the folder, there was nothing in it but when you check the properties, there were 'used space'. I am no tech master but after some youtube research, I was able to save most of the pictures tho sadly, not the videos. 
It was ok. Sis redha.
I need to buy new memory card for that camera anyway.

No. 2, my transcend Harddisk.

this happened in September 2019. I think this should explain me missing in September 2019. LOL

really, this is the most heartbreaking one.

you know when your computer asked you 'fix' something and it says 'recommended'? I believe you should ignored it. BUTT for some reason! I didn't and clicked 'Fix' and when another pop up asked if I am sure and any unsave items will be lost, I clicked, 'Ok'. and after it was done, I continued to work again but for some reason, I can't access the previous folder that I opened from my harddisk (you know, from the 'recently open' tab). So, I when to 'This PC' and tried to open the folder via there but still cannot. It says, the folder no longer available or something. I panicked. and tried one more time. still the same.
other folders still there but I finally realized there were missing folders.
I checked my movies; from about 50 movies, I now only have 8 movies.
I checked my Kpop Shows/Clips; same thing, I only have a few left.
I checked my kdrama; I only have the oldest ones.
I checked my Story/Fictions; the one I have been working on all year! is gone. 
I finally checked my personal photos; everything from April 2018 till September 2019, gone! all my videos that I have left unedited, all my August 2018 KL trip photos, all my February 2019 Seoul trip, GONE!

I actually froze!
and I did not exaggerate when I said, I shut down my laptop, and actually went to bed AND actually prayed that this was all a dream and when I wake up tomorrow, everything will be back to normal. it was just a temporary glitch.

I didn't on my laptop for two days. 
I went to work, blur. I came home, didn't dare touching my laptop for two nights.
Until the third day, I decided, I need to push thru and check once again to make sure. 
I told myself, first we check properties, if the memory still reads 100+ gb left, it means, the hd only hide my stuff and I can retrieve that like I did with the memory card.

but of course, when I checked, I have 600++gb left to use. I knew the moment I saw that number that there is nothing more I can do. 
Everything is really lost.
You know when thing was so bad you can't even cry? that was exactly how I feel at that time.
I was so heartbroken! 💔💔💔
The pictures. They were my memories. I can redownload the movies. the tv shows, the kdramas, but I can't recapture those pictures. I can't even rely on my own memory to retrieve them. My heart ache remembering this. Sigh.
My stories. My fictions. My own writings. My effort. everything from 2018 onwards is gone. Yes, some of them are unfinished but that doesn't mean I would chuck them out. Especially the very latest one. that's the most hurtful. I have so much love for that latest one. Lucky I did write down some plots in a note book. I'll try to recreate from there but it wouldn't be the same.
You can't make the same thing happened twice.

but I said, it's ok. sis redha. 😞

and quickly afterwards, I found out, that my USB extension thing was the problem. 

it shaped like a strawberry. I bought it @ Miniso Singapore back in 2017.

It was faulty for a while before the 'missing folder' happened but I thought it won't cause such catastrophe. I suddenly reminded of what happened to my memory card; this must be the reason too. 

I straight away put the thing away and not use it again. I just have to work with only two USB port for now.

No. 3, my Laptop.

Yes, My laptop! this one is pretty recent, 4th Dec 2019 to be exact.
at that time, I was multi-tasking; watching The Mummy Return, watching AmandaRachLee tutorial for December bullet journal layout, transferring photos from my phone to my hd, backing up my phone via itunes, AND actually doing the December layout onto my journal while the laptop continue to run in the background.
So, as i was just enjoying my "productive" night, the next time I look up, my laptop screen was white. like, WHITE. 

I thought the laptop beginning to 'hibernate' since I can still hear the movie in the background so I touch my mouse, garak2kan sikit, but nothing happened. I pressed the Space Bar and the youtube video that I paused (so that i can see the layout more properly), played. I became more panic and decided to just forced shut down my laptop (by pressing the on/off key. If this was an old laptop, i would just pulled out the battery and turn it back on but i can't do that to this laptop coz the batt is built in). After a while I tried to turn the laptop on again, I caught a glimpse of my screen but it turned white again. I tried this several times but still with the same result, WHITE. 
I figured it was the LCD problem (setau~ LOL) since the audio still work.
For the second time this year, I shut my laptop down and exhaled.
I continued with my December journal layout via my phone.
I was pretty damn calm.
the next day, I tried turning on my laptop again but now, it straight away white screen. So, I Googled the place where I bought my laptop, see if they have their own service center, they do. Next, I checked if my laptop still under warranty, it was not. it expired in September. 
which irritates me. This is a new laptop by the way. I barely have it for a year and its already faulty? MY VAIO LASTED FOR ALMOST 10 YEARS BEFORE I BOUGHT THIS NEW ONE! and to prove my point, I actually took out my vaio and turned it on, and BITCH IT STILL WORKED! and I almost want to continue my work there but then I realized why I bought the new one, the internet connection (both via wifi and USB) didn't work properly. Like, 😒
So, I left it. Like, not gonna think about it. not gonna bother do anything. I mean, i could bring it to the service center but fixing it means money and I'm currently on a strict budget. and also, I've been doing a lot of online shopping LOL...Soooo....🤫 
I mean I could spare money to fix it but I have other important engagement waiting, so I don't want to risk it. and it's not urgent. So, i don't want to fret.
UNTIL 16 DEC 2019.
I cannot tahan, I have some new ideas to type, yeah yeah, I can do that on a note book but i prefer to do it via Words. faster to type. Also, NCT U - Coming Home was released and I need to download that freaking song.
So, I went to the servicing center. Tepakai duit, tepakai lah. yang penting! laptop ku dapat dipakai.
I approached the counter and was happy to find the lady attending is very friendly. I explained to her what happened and she was ..skeptical? Like, I'm not making any sense. Coz to her understanding, it can't be the LCD problem (coz I insisted its the LCD. 🤣 memandai~~). So, she turned my laptop on and WHAT DO YOU KNOW?

tarus ku cakap, "EH! mau ya" and the lady just laughed. and she chuckled again when she saw my background (beautiful Jaehyun). basically my laptop worked fine in front of her 🙄
She wondered if I ever shut my laptop before it properly shut down? or if I ignored any request for window update? or if I shut down my laptop before it finished updating?
Seeing my face, she was like, "maybe pasal atu kali tu" and she proceeded to check my updates and true enough (me looking at my laptop with narrow eyes: traitor) I have pending updates.
After several more guidance from the lady, I thanked her and left.
Safe to say I felt stupid but at least I don't have to pay! that's good. coz the lady was just checking over the counter so no need to pay.
I went to my sister house afterwards and do all my updating and restarting there.

AND when I get home, I quickly back up my phone again coz its been two weeks since the last time I back up (coz I'm buying a new phone in January 2020, it's crucial I maintain a constant back up before that happened, just in case). Next, NCT U!!!! I need the new song ASAP! 

As I opened my internet browser, Chrome, 

tap in my fav downloading web (oops) and WOOSH. white screen again. 
I thought, is it the website? OMG 😱 VIRUS! 😱
I force shut down again. wait until I hear the 'soft' click indicating that the laptop did shut down. and On again. I see normal, turning on screen, then as I clicked the browser, trying to load the website again but seconds later, turned white once again.
AND repeat! 
but this time, I use a different browser, Microsoft Edge, 

to open the website. to check, if its the website or if its actually Chrome. 
The website load just fine and I actually managed to download the song.

I figured it must be that Chrome yg causes my white screen. I uninstalled Chrome to stop myself from accidentally opening it and causes my screen to turn white again.

and now, everything when back to normal.

I have new background.

. . . 

There you have it. my 3 major tech problems this year.


Lesson Learned:

BACK UP! back up upon back up.

I didn't realize how dependent I was with my laptop.
For example, my stories. Usually, I only print out finished stories. but after what happened, I wished I printed out the unfinish ones too. Especially the one I was working on since last year. Yeah, I did print the first EVER draft but I changed a lot of the storyline after that. I regret for not printing them out but I didn't know this was going to happen, did I? 
*another heavy sigh* 
ah well 🤷‍♀️
benda sudah jadi. 
hashtag sis redha.

what would you have done in this situation? would could have been done better?

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😅 I didn't expect it to be this long. LOL 

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Saturday, 21 December 2019

Final Top 25 Songs of 2019

hi guys!!

Yes, December! the end of an era! the start of a new day! I mean, not yet but soon. 
Since it's end of era, I thought, I need to make some posts before the year end. 🙊

So, for a start, I'm just gonna share my top 25 listened to songs as of 21st Dec 2019.

Don't be too shock with the number of NCT songs on this list LOL.

Hmm... I guess good songs truly never expires. as you can see, I still listens to old songs a.k.a Celine Dion's Faith (2003) and Charice's One Day (2011).

Best album download this year?

I'll share a few 😎

this one is maybe a little bit bias;
1. I love Princess Jasmine
2. this live action has Will Smith

this is the most unexpected one. I fell in love with the entire album (pretty rare occasion for me).
her previous album that I downloaded, Brave Enough, I only listen to 4 songs out of 18.

you know i have to include this one 😁
the faded ones are the one i untick coz i usually untick songs that I often skipped when they come in the shuffle.

I love this album 

this is a rare one. I saw her posting a clip from her Blueming MV and I thought the music sounded good. So, I downloaded the album and I am not mad.
it's a good album.
I only ever download one song of hers; Gloomy Clock (feat SHINee Jonghyun) and you know why I downloaded that song. LOL

There you go. Glad to realize that listening to music is still a very big part of me. I'm happy that this still remains. 💖💖

what about you? 

What's your favorite for this year?

Share them in the comment box down below. maybe I'll find my next songs or album to download. 🧐

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