Sunday, 4 October 2020

October is here

hi lovely people!

if you think that this post was made in a rush, it was.


I was being lazy and I thought, lets do another scrapbook style theme. since aku banyak paper lawa. I'm not saying doing scrapbook style is lazy, I'm just saying I am lazy.

Here it is:

I didn't even manage to do my Data Tracker yet. LOL literally done these two last night.

I tried to video my progress but I stopped half way coz my camera batt died, and ended up just finishing the deco without filming. Maybe I'll just continue filming my Data Tracker.

Sebenarnya, I wanted to do different theme, yg macam potion2. since, for some reason, October ani kana associate with witches. 


Pretty kan?

I should have pursue them but I was lazy and still am lazy. I just want an easy way out.


seeing as this book / journal I am using is almost finish, maybe I'll redo the theme in the new one. maybe. no pressure tho.


into the final quarter of 2020, how are we feeling thus far?

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