Thursday, 19 September 2013

Bunny Ears

remember that I have those SHINee's phone thingies from the Perfumes?
first I wore Onew's.
second, I wore Jonghyun's.

Not at the moment though. I've took it off. This picture was taken way back in July. ahahah

the pink and the green does go well together. I must go and look for a similar color phone case then.

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Wednesday, 18 September 2013


We (me and Zawir of course, bila jua luan sma urg lain ahaha) went out to dinner last time with our friend, Farah, from Korean class.
she brought along her bestfriend, Nurul, that night.
and they had this matching phone casing. too cute!!

Nurul (left) & Farah (right)

and then the next few days I go and buy me and Zawir a similar kinda casing too. MUAHAHAH ikut2an. :p

but I think why I was thinking so much about buying those same casing was because there were so much of a similarity between us and them; my forgetfulness is similar to Nurul's while Zawir's helpfulness is similar to Farah's. 
I hope we can continue our friendship with them. they're such nice people. You rarely have that in a new acquaintances these days.
I'm so used into having the same circle of friends that I just couldn't break out of it.
I mean, I was always so suspicious when someone wants to be friends with me; either they looked 'too' friendly (like they have some hidden agenda or somewhat) or just plan bitchy.
I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm reading too much into everything.

yeah. Me and Zawir have the same casing. and I'm using mine at the moment. Zawir, you should start using yours too. 

A/N: doing this during my lunch break. I feel so excitedddd! maybe I should just bring my laptop everyday to work. ans waste all my break time on it. wawawawa

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Sunday, 15 September 2013

Happy the Birthday

Hello everyone.
Miss me?

Me too.


today's post would be about MY BIRTHDAY!!

and in all honesty, people's been greeting me since the 7th Sept. (because they thought it was my birthday that day -.-)

and then there were two awesome people who excitedly and confidently greeted me on the 9th. (ahahah thanx guys. REALLY appreciate it.) and to buang kes, they sang me an advance birthday song via whatapps.

then 10th Sept came. 
I was treated to Pizza Hut buy a good friend. THANKS DUDE! 

11th Sept. 

I was on leave on the 10th so when I came back to work on the 11th, I was hoping i could keep a low profile from everybody.
boy, was I wrong?
throughout the day, colleagues were greeting me 'happy belated birthday' and i would smile and reply 'oh, thank you' in a very-please-stop-malu-ku. kinda way. LOL No, don't get me wrong. I love it. the greetings. I just, malu ku. I don't know.
Skali, masa ku balik, I was eyeing my car from a far and noticed something weird.

and when i got close enough, i gasped and turned around in embarassment. at the same time, I saw my colleague all grin up and i pointed accusingly at him, "Ko ah!"
"apa? bukan aku tu" he said but was laughing.
"cemana th ku ke kereta ku ni? malu ku eh" I said. by then, he was already standing next to me, smiling big. i hit him once. out of embarassment. THERE WERE SPRAYED RIBBONS ON TOP OF MY CAR TOO! mcm, aku g gagas kan balik. cemana tah ni??
after a couple of minutes, i finally go and approach my car...and was actually touched.
that big yellow piece at the back was actually a printed picture of Disney Princesses and a saying 'Happy Belated Birthday to you'.
and to the side, there was a picture of a Strawberry Shortcake baring the same greetings.
there was even a Spongebob Squarepants picture (and i sensed that Nazrah had something to do with this since she loves Spongebob).
the front of the car almost had me in tears. there were purple ribbons. 
So i was thinking, 'this must be the work of someone who knows me'.

a few other colleagues came and helped me clean up (after taking pictures of course). 
Thank you for the kind thoughts, colleagues! I was touched.
the culprit was found the next day. Not Nazrah.

the evening of 11th Sept.
this part was actually kinda shady but poor cWan.
hahahah blame it all on Zawir.
because he surprised me with a birthday dinner.
with the help from ex-baidurians and baiduri finance people.

when cWan asked me to 'dangani' him to a dinner, I was already suspicious. coz everytime I asked him something, he would only give me some very vague answers. I thought of 'a surprise' but in all honesty, i was more of being cautious. coz, i didn't know him that long and everytime i asked him something, he didn't give me a straight answer. So, yeah. Caution Alert.
Thus, in my defence, they (yes, THEY) should have thought of a more convincing storyline.

All in all! THANK YOU ZAWIR!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! thank you for the gift too!


Thank you for Rasyid for being the first greeter on the 10th. ;) (coz the earliest ones are from Bazilah and Kaka. they scared they couldn't greet me when the clock turned 12am/10th. So, they greeted me a few minutes early).

A/N: I turned 26 this year. Hopefully turning wiser too. ;)

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Monday, 2 September 2013

Hello September

Hello, where ever you are. xD

We started off our September at Kuch's Openhouse di Tutong.

It was a good laugh through and through.

"Jercy Packson", "Latus", "Chuchu Hj Zainal", and "beranti tutup enjin ku krg dsini ani!" were a few laughable phase. ahahah 

Got my first birthday gift too. Thanx Ching~~!! 

Gah! I'm becoming 26 this year. -.- 

oh well.

Age is just a number, right? ha ha haaaaa

Anyhoo, insyaAllah kita jumpa lagi di Syawal yg akan datang. xD

A/N: too malas to upload the other Hari Raya photo. I duno how to use Photoshop anymore. meaning I have to 'usai' the photos via my phone first then upload here. and that would take fo.e.ver. 

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