ok, lets carry on.
1) sungkai out sma cIqral n Rasyid on 28th Aug. last minit. p drg bwa aku sal drg mau aku tipun n book sja xP. haha we went to Manjaro. nyaman, ok lah..boleh lah... xP cali lah yg waiter tu slh bagi order kami rh meja sblh smpi meja sblh tu marah..ahaha servicenya lah kali yg mbuatkn points nya turun :p
2) mlm 29th Aug. pun kira last minit. psl nda penyabar xP. aku bali Snow Flower sma Super Show, Super Junior. aku liat yg Super Show lu, which aku sasak! berabis. sal, bnr, nada subtitle. performance wise, lawa plang bnr. p part yg drg ckp2 tu, nda th ku paham. so, u left to assume wat was goin on ja. but knowing me, yg pemajal sikit (or bnyk) urgnya, of course kucari lagi rh youtube.com yg ada urg rajin mbagikn eng sub ahh..bru th puas ati ku sikit eheh..yg Snow Flower tu, aku bru liat disc 1 n bru sikit muka cKiBum *sniff* ahaha n i was like, " *gasp* KIBUM!" everytime cKiBum kuar. the series was not centered around cKiBum punya character bh, thats why ia jrg kluar. aku suka ceta ni sal i kinda can relate to the story line. lawa lah..n aku bru realise, rupanya 4 disc ja..patut rasa ku, cetanya ni skajab ganya..ahaha will continue watching, right after this post xD aja KiBummie!
3) sungkai out with sc2 2009, 30th Aug. there were 15 of us tad. siuk lah. had a great time. i miss this crowd. we sungkai dSwensen n alhamdulillah nyaman makannya (psl aku takut kana ucap nda pndi pilih tmpt :p ahaha)...supnya lah nyaman but as always, aku ni rugi klu bwa buffet. skali kaut sja. kanyang chia ku..(herannya, nda jua ku ni pndi kurus2nya lagi xP haha)..pastu drg plan kn kTaman Jubilee (kira, like, last year lah tu..) i wana join but i chose not to. (for sebab2 yg tertentu. aiseh~ :p) i hope drg gmbr2 dsna n post rh fb. dpt jua ku curi sja ahaha.
So all in all, it was a productive weekend (spending, having fun n obsessing xP). until the next post? an nyeong (안녕) xD
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