Monday, 8 May 2017

Solo Trip. Check!


I went to my first ever solo trip, to Singapore, like, three weeks ago.


I love that I only have me to think and worry about.  (✿◠‿◠)

I went stationery hunting. I didn't find many. but I did find the pens that I was looking for. LOTS of them ( ・_・)♡

I also spent half the day at Universal Studio Singapore on the first day I got to Singapore.

I finally took the ride on Battlestar Galactica.

The first time I went to USS, I didn't get the chance to go. The second time I went, the ride was under maintenance.

and now! on my third time, I finally did it!

I even bought a print out for prove!

I don't think I was scared at all. LOL

as you can see, I was riding the Human, traditional seated roller coaster in red.

I should've gone and queue for the Cylon, inverted roller coaster track in grey, once I get off the Human one but I didn't. for some inconvenient caused by my contact lens. *shrug*

I will try them the next time I go ;)

that trip was serene.
I love it.
I felt the same way I did when I was jalan-jalan alone here in Brunei but there, I was just minding my own business and I love that I don't have to think of anything else.

Now, I am confident that I'll be flying off for many more solo trips.
but not really ready to throw caution to the wind coz let's face it, it is still a very scary world we're living in.

I once read an article about how addicting this solo trip is and I think the writer is so right!

. . .


  1. Andwaeeeeeee you should have told meeeee!! >.< I have been planning a short solo trip to Spore (I want to hunt BAP album) but I am still overwhelmed with work. Next time you going solo trip to Spore again lemme know will ya? Who knows I can plan my trip as well?! :D

    I was beyond sad to the news that Battlestar Galatica was shut down a few years ago but I guess they reopen it? I havent had the chance to ride it whatttt so I guess I am blessed with the chance to try it ehehehe~~! :D

  2. Ooops pressed published too soon!! Oh you should do shopping haul post for the stationary you shopped~ Id love it for sureeee <3333


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