as we all know, I plan kan go belayar to KL/Singapore kan..
half way confirm, because, I already booked a Hotel in KL hence, thats my final destination. booked for 19th til 21st Sept.
right now, waiting kan bali plane tickets (pasal cBuzz alum renew passport nya yg kan expired in Oct).
Sekali, tengah2 menunggu ani, kluar chia annoucement dari SM
my first reaction was.. *kusut and kan nangis*
psl? psl my budget right now is all for that KL vacation. if I used them now (SMTown live tix will be on sale on 3rd Jul as stated), alamat makan rumput lah for two whole months, kreta ku bagi minum aing sja. mana lagi insuran kreta ku kn di renew end of August. hmmm...
I really thought the SMtown concert will in November. I should have jot down bila cFahrul ke Seoul last time ia liat concert atu. probably around August too. sigh~
menangis inda belaku nya lagu melayu atu. LOL!
sigh..let me just go and check tix ke Seoul berapa harga nya lu...
. . .
Tiket ke Seoul probably around 1k if tarus book hotel >< Sasak tu ah bla drg mnukar schedule and place. I can only blarai next year. Ds year no cuti. Lgi tia T.T