New Friend.
(seriously aku ketawa2 masih ni...)
it's japanese (atarashi) and korean (chingu). hahaha
we met new friend msa SMTown tu. and her name is Stefany. we didnt manage to take any picture with her so i'll just post that one pic from instagram time nya bebaris dpn kami for the official merchandise. xP hehe
(Stefany's the one on the left ;D)
we first saw her time kn menverified tickets and bags (boarding kh tu namanya? lol! too lazy to look up for it xP). she was wearing that MCM bag. yg famos artist korea pakai ah. and i told drg 'ia kn liat concert kali jua sma tani'. we dismissed it afterwards and continued to entertain ourselves while waiting for our turn in that long Q. pastu, we met again time kn chop passport. she was on the other lane. she saw us bru masuk n kinda telling us dmana kn Q. she was very friendly. really not what i expected. so, kami pun follow je. and the last time we saw her tym dBrunei before masuk kapal time duduk2 atu.
time arah concert venue.
kan kami atu mcm hampir2 lost, until we saw the sign 'Offical Merchandise'. So, kami berQ. then like about a couplde of minutes kami bQ atu, ada tia cStefany ani (msa tu kami alum tau namanya) and she was like, 'we were on the same flight right?' and we were like 'yeah.' and everything starts from there.
i asked her who's she supporting? and she said something about not being able to choose coz she likes them all. she did mentioned about TVXQ being from five to two. at that time i assumed that she used to be a cassiopeia. haha pastu ia tanya aku sapa ku minat and aku dgn bahagianya menjawab 'SHINee!'
and the story go on and on and on. LOL
we also had the same row: 61. but diff seats; drg arah 60++ and kami arah 113-115.
last kami jumpa bnr2 time before naik kapal balik kBrunei. mcm apa kami becerita dsana ah. excited berabis. smpi one of the passengers figured out (psl aku tdgr drg becerita jua wawawa) yg kami atu bagas liat concert. LOL.
we exchanged fb/instagram contacts before we banar2 masuk kapal and that was the last of it.
we havent contacted yet ever since we landed (or after ia add aku arah instagram) but yeah.. nanti, for the next smtown concert, we can meet again. xD
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