beraya di kampong.
it turned out quite ok. and much more memorable lah..
we, of course, went Beraya around Temburong on the 10th. only managed to get to two houses (because it was dusk went we arrived there) and most of the cousins were in Bandar. the irony. balik kg kn jumpa drg, drg kBandar kn beraya arah kami dsana. but no matter.
we roam around our small village as per requested by the older brother. i didnt take picture. i was busy wiping out lil tears. HAHAHAH my older brother is a very softy person inside and he went full mode on reminiscing about the time we used to spend there on school holidays and during Hari Raya.
Our Kg Piasau-Piasau Labu village is small. and everyone knows everyone (except for me and am pretty sure my entire siblings too, who lives in Bandar most of the time xP and stopped sleeping over there since MY teen years) and most of us are cousins. when I was little, things were very merry, and colorful and noisy during Hari Raya. but now, it's eerie silent. it's been like that since a few years back. it's sad.
moving on.
on the 11th, we went down to Sundar, Sabah. menjejak kasih yoh.
ahaha my mom met her long lost cousins there. we also went beraya to the one we usually went to visit when we're there. it was quite eventful.
we went back to Temburong around 4pm. and start be Q for ferry at 5:14pm
(we were 2/3km away from Puni Immigration Post at that time) and got on the Ferry at around 8:12pm.
THAT'S what I hate about blk kg. the LONG QUEUE! i would've suggested going there by speed boat but it's very inconvinient. we need cars to get around Temburong (kg kami kn aga ani lagi dari pangkal Temburong ke ujung Temburong). lagi pun my mom refused to let me go by boat. takut ya aku inda jadi turun langsung sal malas and there's nothing that she can do about it since i'm here n she's there. wawawa So, yeah. by kereta lah jawapannya. msa dtg inda beQ p sudah balik atu lah..
Alhamdulillah. the proper authority has got their senses checked and we were told yg jambatan is about to be build. already in the progress nya drg. hope by next year bleh pki dah..AMIN. sangal yo beQ ah.
i think thats all for now. at least we took so many pictures together xD
Talk about d long q there, When went to dt place d journey was so smooth but when blk...we stranded 4 hours in d car from Tembird otw home. Haha.