Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Abusing technology


psl aku sakai..currently, i've been obsessing over uploading/copying&pasting/save-as-ing/etc GIF images onto my profile on AFF.

why? because it's so easy! i can put as many Onew's gifs as I please...


Let's go crazaayyyyy


aku bored. yatah, posting up nonsense th sja...

LOOK! i know how to post this one here too!

*start abusing the blogger: image uploader thingy!*

yay! i'll be using GIF from today onwards.

*i'm so sakai~~ sakai~~*

*let's upload a few more*

awww...ADORKABLE! now i understand why it was said that Onew did (was it 100? 1000?) rope skipping every evening during his trainee years. he was chubby. BUT HE WAS CUTE! i wana pinch those cheeks!

proves that my Onew has CHOCOLATE abs! and one of the reason I was called pyeontae...i don't mind though. xP

HAWT~~ and adorkable as always~ xD

Jongie! (am not entirely Onew bias, you know...)

ahhh adorable! baby Taemin~

how the hell is it possible that he's prettier than i am?! -___-

* * *

i would love to post some more but i've been yawning for the nth time now. ahaha i guess we all know what that means..

CONTINUE LIAT SAILORMOON! bwhahaah! nda paham~

ok then yeoreobun..

isuk2 lagi me-obsess...

annyeong..and nighty...

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Sailor Worriors



since nda banyk kn post ku bulan ani, am posting just one more tonight.

Currently, I'm reliving my childhood memory.

apa nah?

watching Sailor Moon!

i borrow the DVDs from cCousin. complete yoh! yatah.. gambate! (nda bleh 'hwaiting!' since katun ani jipun xP. ahaha)

and fav ku masih cJupiter! xD
dulu, tym kanak2, aku suka ia psl ya ijau. msani, erm..psl ia ada martial arts! and ganas! mcm aku.. wawawawa xD

p/s: andangnya, udah2 tym2 cemani ani th ku sibuk kn me-relive th apa..hantam...

Monday, 27 June 2011

maybe it was me

I've been thinkin lately...

maybe it was me who changed...

but why do I feel like I'm not?

maybe I was the cause of it all...


I don't know man.

. . . . . . .

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Cartoons nowadays...


Just got home from Temburong. ngaleh, psl panas and am dehydrated. but it was nice going back there. memories~

anyhoo.. since I have nothing else to post (ada but too lazy to come up with ways on how to post it -___-), so, here I am, trying to post on these two katun i watched last week.

Johnny Depp is the voice of Rango. a Lizard. the story was about this house lizard, got stranded in the desert, found an 'animal' city n pretending to be something he is not. the story also revolve around the idea about water, n how much of big importance it is to the 'city'.
while watching this, i was on my lappy as well, as concentrate as I was, inda ku interested bah ceta ahh..mebari kejiwa pun ada jua...SO, overall, aku nda suka lah...

i thought ada sora cAnne Hathaway but *shrugged* i duno.
it's a story about a parrot (kh? thats the species right?) named Blue who can't fly. erm, ani aku nda dpn lappy but ttido2 wah ku meliat. smpi plang abis ku liat p yatah tu..i was dozzing off like gazillion times thru out the movie. GAWD! cute atu, kiut eh..jalan cetanya atu bh..ntah eh..POKOKNYA, ani pun aku nda suka lah..


don't people people make any good cartoon movie nowadays?! mcm, WTFREAKINHELLMAN!?

or maybe pasal aku boring tym meliat atu, so expectation for the movies to be good was like, HIGH! skali it turned out biasa sja..yatah kali aku mental ani..LOL! klu ari2 lain, maybe aku suka lah kali katun2 ani..

Friday, 10 June 2011

1000kali banar


aku banar2, 1000kali banar, nada mood.

yg ku tau, aku kn tidorrrrrrr sja spnjng hari.

argh...why am I like this??

I was ok bh last week.

what happened?


Must force myself to be semangat.

Today is Friday and it's the final day of the week.

Tomorrow bulih tido spuas2nya.


on a brighter note, am writing a new fic. yg ri tu, nda mau siap2nya. So, yeah. am writing a new one. wawawawa

hello Jinki-aa~~ xD
SHINee is in Paris now. together with the rest of the SMTown. how I wish I was in Paris now.
and speaking of SMTown, SM has created an official facebook page for SMTown few days before their artists were departed to Paris. they even made SHINee and Super Junior official pages too. f(x) got one too but theirs was made waayyyy before SMTown's one.
here's the link;

Super Junior

i only like them so much becoz they're official and right now, there are tons of photos of them in Paris. xD


yes, that concludes my post today and guess what? that brigthen up my mood by 1000watts


lets all have a wonderful day today, shall we?

Saturday, 4 June 2011

the look-a-like


how are you my lovelies? ok? happy? sad? mad? insane?

am current mode is *haaccuummm* *sniff* *sniff* ahaha sajuk yoh...oh, my mode; bored.

So, i tot of posting this dari kemarin udah and since aku boring ani jua sja th ari ani..

the look-a-like.



Taecyeon (of 2PM).

Kim Yuna.

ahaha i dun have their pictures. so that's why i put up those pictures.

interesting isn't it? but the look-a-likes are all chinese though. for the Onew one, imagine the lookalike to have a much shorter hair cut. for Taemin, a lot smaller the face. for Taecyeon, not as buff and a lil shorter. n for the Kim Yuna, a lot tinier and cute-er. ahahaha she's probably around 9 to 10 at most. she's so cute. you wana pinch her cheek. ahahaha

i think that's all for this post.. am running out of things to say...

so, till the next post...nighty.. xD