Pet Society
to those who know me..shaddap! ahahaha nadawa~~ xPreason why aku mau post psl ani is becoz Pet Society
is the first game yg mbuat kn aku obsess sesangat kn masuk fb n nda bleh miss. even up to the point ngasut urg lain to join ahaha n am not sorry xpPet Society. a pet game. not really good at describing this game xP.. pokoknya, game ani quite similar ngan mana2 game pun rh fb get in. pet ur pet, feed 'em, bath 'em if needed. visit frens' pet to get coins + points. yadda yadda yaddamcm ilang kn point ku kn mpost this. jabz.... *straightening out composure xP*OH! psl changes on the game. n am calling those yg ada this application to play it again. i know about obtaining coins + paw points payah before but it's easier now. well, not really plang but laju lah, that u can forget bout using cheat to obtain coins + paw points (will be using pp from now onwards ;) )...the changes:-+ve* when you clean ur pet or ur frens pet, u get 6pp/20coins.
previously, 6pp plang jua but with only 1coins. ani kn, i think it's better u pick the sabun n clean ur pet sendiri than u give the sabun to ur pet n ia clean dirinya sendiri. total pp collected (klu bnyk bnr lalatnya) is 24pp. but klu ia sendiri mbersihkn dirinya, it would be less n there'd be no coins. yeah, udah ku experiment ni. ahaha xP* when you go n visit frens' pet
u'll get 10pp/50coins. previously, 5pp/20coins. laju jua ko dpt coins tu! i know the coins can only be receive every 24hours but you can still visit ur frens' pet n get 10pp. the more ur frens join the PS, the more lah the pp. laju naik tu level...i loike~~* now the Pet ada pet kn?
more pp lagi~..feed those pets n u'll get 5pp. not so much plang p it's like extra 5pp everytime u visit others.* ada 'Cafe' kn rh PS tu.
u shud go in n visit random players Pet. you're not getting any coins, but you'll get 10pp. previously, klu visit, dpt 5pp ja. n if the Pet needs cleaning, pp + coins nya sma cam klu tani clean our n our frens' pet.*Fishing.
i seldom go nowadays sal sasak ku. aku jarang dpt yg spesial2! xP ahah neways, when u fish, then caught whatever (fish kh, mighty old boot kh), u'll get 10pp. no coins here.-ve*feeding Pet.
rugi. sal before 17pp now only 5pp. so, i prefer to juz clean 'em n let the tuan feed their own pet. ehehe*no changes rh Stadium.
for Hurdle winner, still get 20pp/30coins.*hitting the trees. still 1coins atu pun depending on ur luck.*oh! that NOT so fortune wheel.
Dulu, everytime you log in kn, there's this lottery n you'd be getting either 50coins, 100coins and if u're lucky, u'll get 1000coins or even 2000coins. msani, angan2 ja lah...sal the fortune wheel, either you'll get 12coins, 30coins, 60coins, 90coins, 120coins, 180coins, 300coins, 600coins, 900coins, 1200coins. i duno if it's juz aku, p aku slalu dpt at least 80 coins sja. n paling tinggi ku dpt is 180 coins. i mean, better than 50coins everyday, right? or maybe i prefer if aku nda nmpk what am i getting..hmm..oh there's another new thing. ada oven/microwave tuk pet masak.
MALAS TH KU! dah lah aku payah2an kn upgrade level/coins ku rh Cafe World sma Restaurant City, sibuk th ku lagi kn memasak2 rh Pet. ntam chia~! ahaha mental~~i guess that's all. pokoknya, with all this changes, aku nda lagi mikirkn kn pki cheat. not so much changes for collecting coins (part yg aku slalu kn pki cheat is becoz aku mau MORE coins hahaha xP) but ok lah laju naik pp. coins tu, the more ur frens play the game, the more u get. if you have like 50 frens x 50coins, thats 2500coins a day. main everyday? 7 days u'll get 17500coins!! u can buy whatever n decorate ur Pet's house smpi panuh to the brim pun nda papa. HAHAHAHAsigh! i know, it's juz a game. but it helps diverting ur mind arah lain when needed (or not xP) today, SuJu Super Show 2 concert dBukit Jalil krg mlm *sob sob* sigh! ok lah..when the time allows it, i'll be screaming my head off for my Oppa! sarangae Siwon oppa~~!!! ^_^V!!bh bh.udah...adang luan..ahaha
yes i did! ahaha xP was juz sharing my passion for that game xP kahkah