but before we start of with pix n stories behind pix, i juz wana say, i Heart you, Siwonnie!!! (haha awu, majal ku niiii..until i finish that fic, i will never shut the f*ck up. <--- kejiwa moment xP)..p/s: this is the only part of this post yg kena mengena ngan title. HAHAHAH
neways, somehow, Raya diz year is a bit dull, dun you think? why is it so...??
but of course, we had our fun.
i went beraya-ing with cKuch n Amal kumah cBuzz..
On some other day, aku n Buz beraya kumah cRahmat, pastu kami (Buz, Azhar, Rasyid, Rahmat n Joli a.k.a. cKacang) rh cJudin openhouz. yatah ganya tu. oh, thank u kamu (Azhar, Rasyid, Rahmat n Joli) mau beraya kumah ku xP
NB: mcm sma baju ku ahhh OH MY GOD! FASHION DISASTER!! xP oh well...
sma family tu, jan kira lah ah. atu lain listnya :p..p nda dull kn tu? like 3 buah rumah kawan ganya ku braya..whatever happened to the enthusiasm for celebrating Hari Raya? are we getting older or wiser? ahah of course, aku getting wiser. yg lain smua jadi tua. muahahah (buat muka 'lame~') ahaha
dOpis, mcm biasa sja feel nya..i duno isuk drg buka 'openhouz' ani..i hope ada raya feel...
apa g? hmm..or kami braya kMall tad..aku, cKuch, cZawir n cBuzz..ahaha lain~ karaoke-ing.. smpi ku menyanyi..yatah ujan ahh..alhamdulillah~...HAHAHA
wat else? oh, panas Brunei ahh..mcm sauna bilik ku (awu, nada aircon..yatah kn dbali ni..dmana murah? ahaha mcm kn bali apa xP)
bh, thats all, i think..i shall post more when there's something to post. So, c ya till then?
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